Muscle relaxer

How to relax muscles

Muscle relaxant medications are given orally (by mouth) or through injection, and in rare cases, the medication is delivered directly to the spinal cord through an implanted device.

Oral muscle relaxant medication is more commonly prescribed because it is convenient to take and does not require needles.

Underlying medical conditions and the severity and Cyclobenzaprine expected duration of pain and/or disability may be reasons to consider the form of injection.

oral administration of muscle relaxants

Oral muscle relaxants are taken by mouth as tablets or capsules.As the drug passes through the gastrointestinal tract, it is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered to the brain and other areas of the body.

Muscle Relaxants: Kathy De Falla, PharmD, Pharmacist

Muscle relaxants are prescription medications that help control muscle contractions (tightening) to reduce pain and discomfort caused by muscle spasms and muscle spasms (stiffness).

Short-term use of muscle relaxants relieves pain caused by strained or spasmed muscles and improves daily functioning.

Muscle relaxants are the third most commonly prescribed medication for low back pain.


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Muscle relaxants to treat back and neck pain and medications for back pain

When muscle relaxants are prescribed

Muscle relaxant medications reduce pain by reducing muscle spasm and tension.

Muscle relaxant medications are prescribed when muscle spasm or stiffness causes severe pain, discomfort, and/or functional disability. The decision to prescribe a muscle relaxant is based on the following factors:

To prevent muscle spasm/stiffness and possible injury after spine surgery or during physical therapy sessions.

In addition to OTC pain medication, rest, physical therapy, and other non-drug treatments to relieve discomfort and improve function.

The duration of treatment is usually short (2-3 weeks).

Factors that affect the type of muscle relaxer prescribed

The choice of muscle relaxant depends on the cause of the pain (muscle spasm or stiffness, or both).

Potential side effects and drug interactions, concomitant medical conditions, and personal preferences are also considered.



Types of Prescription Muscle Relaxers

Muscle relaxants are classified based on their ability to treat stiffness, spasms, or both.

Antispastic medicines: These medications reduce muscle stiffness through various mechanisms in the brain and directly within the muscle tissue.

Antispasmodic drugs These medications prevent spontaneous or involuntary contractions of the muscles (such as jerks, twitches, or spasms) that cause cramps.

Two drugs, tizanidine and diazepam, have both antispastic and antispasmodic activity.

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